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Kodu Game Lab Youtube

Parents need to know that Kodu is a game-design application. It's found in the Xbox Live user community and is available for download through the online Xbox marketplace or as a free download for the PC through the Microsoft website. The visual-development environment allows players to create their own games from simple snap-together parts, which means the content can vary. That said, options are limited to what's built into the software. For example, players can make "bots" that kick, shoot missiles, and throw rocks, but they can't alter how these projectiles explode or make characters spurt blood. However, there's nothing stopping a player from, say, designing a piece of virtual land that resembles a human body part. Completed levels can be shared with people on your friends list on Xbox Live whereas PC levels are available to share and download online.

KODU GAME LAB isn't a game so much as a tool for making video games. Downloadable from the Xbox user community and online for the PC, Kodu provides players with the ability to design their own environments, create simple objectives (which could include racing, shooting, or adventuring), and alter a surprisingly wide variety of game parameters, such as the behavior of environmental objects and nonplayer characters. Dozens of starter levels are available for experimentation, and many have simple objectives meant to help you figure out what can be done with the software, such as making a character move from one location to another or jump a gap. When you've tinkered enough and have something you think might be fun for others to try, you can share it with friends on Xbox Live or upload to the Kodu site, where other would-be developers can download these interactive creations.

Kodu Game Lab Youtube

The simplest way to describe Kodu is to say it offers the same sort of game-making functionality as LittleBigPlanet 2 for PlayStation 3 but with little of the polish or accessibility that made that game so fun and popular. Limited tutorials and text instruction mean it can be slow to get in the swing of things. All the tools have pop-up bubbles that describe what they do, but they must be manually selected to make those bubbles appear, which makes the learning process long and arduous. It's a little like teaching yourself how to play the guitar; it's possible, but it requires plenty of patience and passion. There's no question that it's a powerful and educational game-making toolkit, but we recommend it only for those who have a strong desire to dabble in Xbox game design and are willing to spend several hours learning the ropes.

Families can talk about what a career in the game industry might be like. Did Kodu make you think you may have a knack for game design? What kind of training, skills, and talents should aspiring game makers try to develop? What sort of a role would you like to play in a game's development? Artist? Level designer? Character designer? Game designer? Director? Do you think the game industry will still have the same sorts of jobs in 10 or 20 years?

Recently I have updated BIOS (asus motherboard), and I have started experiencing very weird crashes, freezes and random reboots when watching a youtube video for approx. 2 min. Also, the same happens when navigating to bing news web site.

I also found this useful which is the Studio K Curriculum designed specifically for Kodu. It presents a model called G.R.A.S.P.S + N which has been great for giving the children an understanding of how games are put together and why:

Kodu lets kids create games on Windows PCs via a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game, young children as well as adults with no design or programming skills.

Glows: Unlike many other graphics-based programming tools for kids, Kodu Game Lab has room for a lot of creativity and the ability to design some interesting and reasonably complex games. As an example, the inclusion of paths for objects to automatically follow opens up doors for games that are not typically feasible in this type of early programming experience.

Kodu Game Lab was originally released by Microsoft in 2009 on both Windows and the Xbox platforms. Over the years, it has caught the attention of educators who see the potential for kids to become creators and to learn more about game design, logic, and coding. There are dozens of written tutorials, videos, and lesson plans available around the web to get kids started and to help guide them through the process. Microsoft maintains a library of resources specifically for educators and there are plenty of others available for those who want to look. The software no longer seems to be available for Xbox, but Microsoft continues to update the software for Windows.

Once installed, kids will need to create a username and a 4-digit pin for their account. This username will appear on uploaded games, so choose it carefully. Kids may need a reminder to avoid using real names during registration. No email address is required.

I personally really enjoy making games in Kodu. In my opinion, the only downside is that Kodu has limited replay value. After about 10 - 20 hours of play time, I have found most kids feel they have exhausted what the program has to offer (myself included). The benefits are that the graphics are great, and kids get immediate gratification in seeing their code rendered in a 3D environment.

Introduces the basics of the Python programming language, covering how to use data structures, organize and reuse code, draw shapes and patterns with turtle, and create games and animations with tkinter.

You can learn to create mind-bending illusions, crazy animations, and interactive artworks with this collection of Scratch projects! Woodcock shows you simple steps to becoming an expert coder, and helps you improve your coding skills so you can share games online.

Bruno Amaral de Andrade é arquiteto, Doutor em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Estuda geotecnologias aplicadas ao planejamento e gestão territorial (geodesign), planejamento participativo com enfoque em crianças (geogames); estudos patrimoniais italianos (patrimônio territorial).

Este artigo tem como objetivo fornecer uma visão empírica geral sobre o estado da arte em Game Studies relacionados à Arquitetura e Planejamento Urbano através de uma longa pesquisa estruturada em quinze etapas experimentais relacionadas a quinze diferentes design de geogame. A abordagem empírica teve como objetivo acrescentar e refinar compreensões ao desenvolvimento do conceito de geogames. O conceito é elaborado por meio de uma combinação de jogos sérios, tecnologia, patrimônio cultural e planejamento urbano com vistas a criar ideias e protótipos digitais para problematizar e resolver questões urbanas com envolvimento cívico. Além disso, o enfoque nesse conceito foi investigar quais plataformas digitais poderiam ser atrativas e lúdicas para as crianças, que compõem o grupo-alvo da pesquisa. Esta discussão aborda dois tópicos diferentes, mas complementares, relacionados a 1) geogame como base para o aprendizado de Arquitetura e Planejamento Urbano, e 2) geogame como uma base comum para o planejamento colaborativo. Assim, as questões de pesquisa são: quais tecnologias, como ferramentas e aplicativos de jogos, estão sendo usadas atualmente para apoiar professores a aprimorar o aprendizado de Arquitetura E Urbanismo? E como a tecnologia pode ser aplicada para manter o engajamento dos cidadãos no processo de planejamento, ao mesmo tempo que permita alcançar o máximo consenso? O design dos games e os protótipos digitais e não digitais apresentados no artigo foram estruturados de forma a evidenciar o processo de validação do conceito dos geogames.

1Pesquisa em games aplicados ao estudo de Arquitetura e UrbanismoEste artigo pretende mostrar uma sequência de ideias e design de games inovadores desenvolvidos durante cursos de curta duração, workshops e palestras em toda a Europa, durante de um ano de pesquisa1. O objetivo é abordar a questão de pesquisa sobre como uma abordagem de geogames é capaz de criar ambientes de aprendizagem inovadores sobre arquitetura e espaço urbano, e também apoiar o engajamento cívico em Arquitetura e Planejamento Urbano, baseado em valores culturais (TUAN, 1990; BACHELARD, 2014; NORBERG-SCHULZ, 1980). Desenvolve-se o conceito de geogames através da elaboração de ideias e design de protótipos digitais para problematizar e resolver questões urbanas com participação cidadã.

Os geogames estão relacionados ao tema "parti.cipate+col.laborate" como um processo contemporâneo de construção coletiva do conhecimento em Arquitetura e Planejamento Urbano, com uma abordagem teórico-prática voltada para ações transdisciplinares, multiculturais envolvendo atores e comunidades não acadêmicas. Os geogames conectam duas ideias fortes - participar e colaborar - imbuídas de um sentido dialógico em um mosaico de formas de participação e colaboração, seus contextos, metodologias, produtos e limites. Geogames integram o tópico de intervenções urbanas compartilhadas com tecnologias de jogos digitais, em direção a um Geogame Geographic Information System (GGIS).

Esta discussão aborda dois tópicos diferentes, mas complementares, relacionados a 1) o geogame como base para o aprendizado de Arquitetura e Planejamento Urbano, e 2) o geogame como base comum para o planejamento colaborativo. Assim, as perguntas de pesquisa são: quais tecnologias, como ferramentas e aplicativos de jogos, estão sendo usadas atualmente para apoiar professores a aprimorar o aprendizado em Arquitetura e Planejamento Urbano? E como a tecnologia pode ser aplicada para manter o engajamento dos cidadãos no processo de planejamento, permitindo ao mesmo tempo alcançar um consenso máximo? 2ff7e9595c


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