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Leica M Serial Number Check: How It Works and Why You Need It


Welcome to the Leica serial number lookup & search tool. This is a search lookup tool where you can search our Leica camera serial numbers list and Leica lens serial numbers list. Put your serial number below and select if you want to search a camera or lens and click search and it will give you the available information.

Ed. Note: Per Nakamura's "Leica Collection," only 137 black MP's from MP13 to MP150 were produced, and only 251 chrome MP's numbered MP151 to MP402respectively. He states production was stopped due to poor sales. Buyerbeware. For every MP that left the factory, there are probably 20 or more beingoffered for sale with the same serial number.

Leica M Serial Number Check

Is there an online reference to check for Leica M lens serial numbers/production dates after 2015? I see several serial number references posted for dates earlier than 2015. Anyone know of more curent data ?

Thank you. I recently decided to send an email with lens serial number to Leica support asking if they could tell me the production date of my new lens purchased in 2018. Turns out the production date they sent me based on the serial number was exactly the same as the date printed on the sticker on the box.

To restart this very interesting topic - why on earth did this meticulous (yet not always detailed) system of tracking serial numbers chronologically end at some point? Why is Leica keeping the dates of their lenses secret for the past 6 or so years?

if you have bought the M10, then you should register it on the official Leica owners website. If you are a new leica user you will first need to register your personal details. You will then have a personal page on which to record all your Leica equipment.when you add your M10 serial number, (and your lenses)to the database,the system will only accept the details of the M10 if it is NOT registered to a previous owner. If it is already registered to someone else then you will have to ask the site manager (not the shop) to contact the previous owner. Only the previous owner can release the M10. Here is the Leica owners website.

Out of curiosity, what is the benefit of doing this? I see that it would be a nice place to record serial numbers for all one's Leica products, but is there any value or use of creating this account / registering? Can one send repair items direct to Leica through this account?

The M (Typ 240) sits between the M9 and M10 and in my humble opinion, should have been called the M10 when it was released more than four years ago (and the M10 should be the M11 but I digress!). In 2012, Leica thought it would be a good idea to change the naming structure of all its cameras, giving them the same name and then distinguishing them with a serial number. (That, for some reason, started with 240.) Anyway, we are now back on track.

A Canon warranty appropriate for your region should be provided. For EOS R, the box should contain a Product Serial Number Card with the product serial number printed on it.The serial number on the product, box and card should match.

The product with the serial number that you provided was not originally intended by Canon for sale in the European Economic Area; we therefore advise you to contact the seller from whom you originally purchased this product. Please check the "Where to Buy" section on our website to find a local retailer to source a Canon product intended for sale in your region. If you remain unsure about the origin of your Canon Imaging product, simply send the model name and serial number to*Note : this serial number checker is valid for products put on the market from 2015 onwards

Serial number: stamped on the inside of the back in the format "0nnnnn" where nnnnnn is between 100000 (October 1940) and 140980 (1942). The two cameras share the same set of serial numbers and it's not known if different ranges were used for each of the two cameras.

The first cameras made when civilian production resumed in 1945 started with 0nnnn and proceeded upward from there to 1740000 in 1957. However, it appears that the first several thousand cameras that would have started from 100000 had the leading '1' omitted from the serial number, so they appear as a five-digit number between 00000 and around 12000.

If your camera has a five-digit serial number between 00000 and 12000 and it has the following set of features, its serial number is probably accurate and the camera was made in 1945 or early 1946:

If your camera has a five-digit serial number between 00000 and 12000 and it has the following set of features, its serial number is probably missing the leading '1' (add 100000 to get the correct number) and the camera was made in late 1946 or early 1947:

* there is a large gap (100000+) in the database between 12nnnnn and 13nnnnn, suggesting an actual gap in serial numbers in that period. Inconsistencies in serial numbers are fairly common in Argus history.

1958 - 1966: Stamped on the bottom of the camera body as a ten-digit number. For these cameras, the year of production is indicated by the fourth digit of the serial number; the quarter of that year (1-4) is indicated by the fifth digit of the serial number. So the format is 'nnnYQnnnnn'; a camera with serial number 1822199999 was made in the first quarter of 1962. This includes Golden Shield Match-Matics.

* Per an Argus Product Service Department document dated May 1957, C-44s with serial numbers lower than 0044032270 were made in 1956, and those from 0044032270 on were made in 1957. It also notes that serial numbers between 0044020000 and 0044022266, originally produced in October 1956, were duplicated in December 1956 production.

Two variants of the front logo and film speed indicator exist. The earlier design has the shutter speed indication below the dial and the stylized "lens and prism" logo below the Argus name. The later design has the speed dot above the dial, and no "lens and prism" logo. This change appears around 1/3 of the way through the serial number range.

Serial number: Stamped on the bottom, "173" prefix. For these cameras, the year of production is indicated by the fourth digit of the serial number; the quarter of that year (1-4) is indicated by the fifth digit of the serial number. So the format is 'nnnYQnnnnn'; a camera with serial number 1732199999 was made in the first quarter of 1962.

C-44Rs with highest known serial numbers have "3" as the fourth digit. Generally believed that no C-44Rs were made after 1962, but perhaps there was a batch made up from the remaining parts at the end of production.

Serial number: C-twentys have a ten-digit serial number stamped on the bottom. There are two formats: Earlier models begin with '020' (made in 1957 and perhaps 1958), later models begin with '140'. On the latter, the fourth digit tells what year they were made (8 = 1958, 9 = 1959).

Serial number: Stamped on the bottom of the camera body as a ten-digit number. For these cameras, the year of production is indicated by the fourth digit of the serial number; the quarter of that year (1-4) is indicated by the fifth digit of the serial number. So the format is 'nnnYQnnnnn'; a camera with serial number 2402199999 was made in the first quarter of 1962.

Serial number: Six-digit number, stamped inside on the door, just above the hinge. Because production was split by WWII and precise ending production dates (prewar) and production resumption dates (postwar) are not known, it is very difficult to know where to split the serial numbers for the last prewar and first postwar cameras. Coated lenses begin around 820000 and the general reference for coated lenses beginning at Argus is July 1946.

Last cameras made seem to have six-digit serial number starting with 9 and a larger viewing lens. Though the viewing lens is not marked as such, it is the f/3.5 lens intended for the Argoflex II. These are probably leftover parts from that model, being used up on other cameras.

Your 24-digit redemption code can be found under the silver scratch-off label on product cards, on an insert in a boxed product, or included in the body of an email if you did not purchase a physical product. Depending on how you purchased your product, you may also need a serial number to activate it. 2ff7e9595c


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